Laser Facial Rejuvenation in Portsmouth, NH

Bay Breeze Dentistry now offers laser facial rejuvenation treatment in Portsmouth and all surrounding communities for a naturally radiant and youthful complexion

Revolutionize the way you approach skincare with the remarkable laser facial rejuvenation treatment, restoring the skin’s vitality without surgery and other invasive procedures. At Bay Breeze Dentistry, Dr. Carmen Santana-Paine is happy to offer Smoothlase®, our laser facial rejuvenation treatment that uses state-of-the-art laser technology to stimulate collagen production deep within your skin, unlocking the fountain of youth hidden within you.

Introducing Smoothlase® Laser Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

When it comes to rejuvenating your skin, there’s nothing quite as powerful as tapping into your body’s own natural capabilities. At Bay Breeze Dentistry, we believe in unlocking the true potential of your skin’s renewal process with Smoothlase®.
Utilizing the FDA-approved Fotona LightWalker® laser, Smoothlase® is designed to stimulate the natural production of collagen, the key protein responsible for skin elasticity and firmness. As the laser energy interacts with the deeper layers of your skin, it initiates a series of thermal effects, promoting the growth of new collagen fibers.
Through laser collagen stimulation and activating elastin synthesis, this treatment triggers a transformative process that rejuvenates your skin from the inside out. Collagen acts as the structural scaffolding of the skin, providing support and resilience. Smoothlase® effectively tightens tones and lifts sagging skin, restoring its natural elasticity and suppleness.

Benefits of Smoothlase®

How Much Smoothlase® Treatment is Needed for an Optimal Glow?

The number of Smoothlase® treatments required for optimal results is based on several factors, including the individual’s age and skin condition. At Bay Breeze Dentistry, we make sure to empower you with the right information you need to achieve your cosmetic goals.

Age-Based Approach

To provide a guideline for treatment frequency, we often consider the person's age. As a general rule, most individuals benefit from approximately one Smoothlase® treatment per 10 years of age. For instance, a 40-year-old would typically require four treatments to achieve optimal results, while a 50-year-old would likely need five treatments.

Treatment Interval and Duration

Each Smoothlase® treatment session typically takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete. To allow sufficient time for the development of new collagen, treatments are usually scheduled three weeks apart. Collagen production continues for approximately one month after the final treatment, contributing to the gradual improvement of the skin's appearance.

Maintenance and Collagen Boosting

After completing the recommended course of this laser skin tightening treatment, maintaining your rejuvenated appearance becomes crucial. Our experienced professional, Dr. Santana Paine, may advise scheduling collagen booster treatments every six months. The rate at which collagen re-ages can vary depending on factors such as overall health, lifestyle habits, and personal skincare routine. Regular maintenance treatments can help prolong the results achieved and promote long-term skin health.

Maintaining Post-Smoothlase® Results

Maintaining Post-Smoothlase® Results

Preserving the remarkable results achieved through Smoothlase® requires a proactive approach and conscientious choices to protect your skin from factors that contribute to aging and collagen breakdown. Dr. Santana-Paine and our team stay by your side to make sure your youthful glow lasts long.

By incorporating these practices into your lifestyle, you can help maintain the rejuvenating effects of your treatment:

Shielding against UV Radiation
Minimize sun exposure and take precautions to prevent sunburns. Shielding your skin from harmful UV rays helps protect against collagen degradation and premature aging.

Steer Clear of Tanning
Avoid using tanning beds or engaging in activities that promote excessive sunless tanning. These practices can accelerate skin damage and compromise the long-term benefits of your laser skin resurfacing in Portsmouth treatment with Smoothlase®.

Mindful Dietary Habits
Nourish your body with a healthy and balanced diet. Limit the consumption of dietary toxins that can negatively impact your skin’s health and undermine the skin rejuvenation treatment results through Smoothlase®.

Bid Farewell to Smoking
Quit smoking or refrain from exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking not only harms overall health but also accelerates collagen breakdown, leading to diminished skin quality and premature aging.

Moderate Alcohol Intake 
Practice moderation when it comes to alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol intake can impair skin health and hinder the preservation of collagen, undermining the long-lasting benefits of your Smoothlase® treatment.

Be Mindful of Prescription Drugs
Stay informed about any prescription medications you take that may have dehydrating effects on your body. Adequate hydration is essential for optimal skin health and collagen preservation.

Embrace an Antioxidant-Rich Diet
Incorporate foods that are rich in antioxidants into your daily meals. Vitamins C, E, A, Biotin, Selenium, Lutein, Lycopene, and other antioxidants support collagen production, combat oxidative stress, and contribute to vibrant and healthy skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, facial rejuvenation in Portsmouth NH, using laser technology, is considered a safe procedure when performed by qualified professionals. The advanced laser technology used in the treatment is designed to target specific skin concerns while minimizing risks and discomfort.
Smoothlase is a laser therapy for facial rejuvenation that can effectively treat various areas of the face, including the forehead, around the eyes (crow’s feet), cheeks, nose, mouth (smile lines), chin, and jawline.
Non-surgical facial rejuvenation with Smoothlase is typically well-tolerated by patients. The sensation experienced during the treatment can vary, but most individuals describe it as a mild level of discomfort or a warm tingling sensation. Topical numbing agents can be used to enhance comfort during the procedure.
While rare, potential side effects of facial laser rejuvenation in Portsmouth may include temporary redness, mild swelling, or slight sensitivity. These effects generally subside within a few days. It is important to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your practitioner to minimize potential risks.
Yes, laser skin rejuvenation in Portsmouth can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to enhance overall results. Common combinations include dermal fillers, Botox, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion. Your practitioner can guide you on the best treatment plan based on your unique needs.
Suitable candidates for facial laser rejuvenation are individuals who desire improvement in skin texture, wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, or uneven pigmentation. Ideal candidates generally have healthy skin and realistic expectations about the outcomes of this laser wrinkle reduction treatment.
Prior to your laser facial toning treatment, it is advisable to avoid excessive sun exposure, tanning, and the use of certain skincare products that can increase skin sensitivity. Your practitioner will provide specific instructions during your consultation to ensure optimal preparation for the procedure.


Ready to transform your smile and revitalize your skin? Look no further than Dr. Carmen Santana-Paine at Bay Breeze Dentistry. With her expertise in general, cosmetic, and neuromuscular dentistry, Dr. Santana-Paine offers a comprehensive range of services to enhance your dental health and your skin’s vibrancy.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Santana-Paine to explore the remarkable benefits of facial laser rejuvenation in New Hampshire alongside our wide array of general and cosmetic dental procedures. Inquire today if you want to discover other practical procedures like the Xeomin® botox fillers, non-surgical lip filler, laser treatment for lip enhancement, and more. Experience the power of combining a confident smile with a youthful, radiant complexion.

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